Studio Sign

Studio Sign

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Piano Discovery Camp for 4 and 5 year olds - 2013

This week I have two little five year olds that have been busy discovering the piano....

Playing "Follow the Leader"  - up and down the piano and through the obstacle course in the room!  Finding all the 2 black keys, 3 black keys, C's, D's and E's....

Making rainbow treble clefs.... Ebba above, Hayden below...

Lovely colouring!

 And here are the drums we made..... out of old "Crisco" cans....

Searching for the musical alphabet among all the little balls...
 racing to see who can get the most in their little bucket before all the letters are gone!

Racing hard... even on the hottest days of the year... such energy!

Appealing to the farmer in Hayden.... John Deere tractor and a Massey combine....

I've enjoyed these little ones this week.... we had a lot of fun!

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